Mastering Dynamic Data Members in C++ – Add Variables on the Fly Like a Pro!

Author: Amresh Mishra | Published On: January 20, 2025

In C++, the ability to dynamically add data members to a class at runtime, often referred to as “c++ add data member to class dynamically,” provides a powerful tool for creating flexible and customizable code structures. This feature allows developers to extend the functionality of a class dynamically, enabling the addition of new data members as needed during program execution.

c++ add data member to class dynamically
c++ add data member to class dynamically

By exploring the mechanisms behind this capability, including metaprogramming techniques and dynamic memory allocation, this article provides insights into how to effectively utilize the dynamic addition of data members in C++. Harnessing this feature can enhance the adaptability and versatility of your code, enabling it to meet evolving requirements with ease.

Understanding Dynamic Data Members

In C++, data members are typically defined within the class declaration, specifying their names and types. These data members are known as static data members since their memory is allocated at compile-time and remains fixed throughout the program’s execution. However, there are scenarios where we may need to add data members dynamically during runtime, allowing for greater flexibility in our code.

Dynamic data members are created using the std::unordered_map container from the C++ Standard Library. This container provides an efficient way to associate data members with their corresponding values. By using an unordered map, we can add, access, and modify data members at runtime, giving us the ability to adapt our class’s structure based on changing requirements.

The Benefits of Dynamic Data Members

Dynamic data members offer several benefits in programming. Firstly, they allow for flexibility and adaptability in handling varying data types. With dynamic data members, developers can store different types of values in the same variable, making code more concise and reducing the need for type conversions.

Secondly, dynamic data members enable runtime polymorphism, facilitating the implementation of abstract data structures and algorithms. By dynamically allocating memory and linking objects at runtime, dynamic data members enhance code reusability and extensibility.

Furthermore, dynamic data members support dynamic memory management, enabling efficient memory allocation and deallocation. This helps prevent memory leaks and optimizes resource utilization, especially in applications with unpredictable data requirements.

Overall, the benefits of dynamic data members include improved code flexibility, enhanced polymorphism, and efficient memory management. These advantages contribute to more robust and scalable software development, promoting code maintainability and reducing development time.

Key Benefits:

Let’s explore some of the key benefits they provide:

Flexibility and Adaptability:

The ability to add data members dynamically empowers developers to build more flexible and adaptable code. In complex systems, requirements may change over time, and having the capability to modify the structure of a class without recompiling the entire program can save valuable development time. Dynamic data members enable us to extend the capabilities of our classes on-demand, catering to specific needs as they arise.

Improved Code Organization:

Dynamic data members allow for a more organized code structure by grouping related data together. Instead of scattering different variables throughout the codebase, we can consolidate them into a single class, making the code more readable and maintainable. With dynamic data members, we can assign logical names to different attributes and store them within the class, ensuring a clear and concise representation of the data model.

Run-Time Polymorphism:

Dynamic data members are closely related to the concept of run-time polymorphism, which is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming. By adding data members dynamically, we can effectively create variations of our classes without the need to define a new class hierarchy explicitly. This allows for more dynamic behavior during runtime, as the program can adapt its structure and behavior based on user input or other external factors.

Implementing Dynamic Data Members in C++

Now that we understand the benefits of dynamic data members, let’s delve into their implementation in C++. The following steps outline the process of adding data members dynamically:

Step 1: Include the necessary headers:

To use the std::unordered_map container, we need to include the <unordered_map> header file. This header provides the implementation of the unordered map class, which we will use to store our dynamic data members.


 #include <unordered_map>
Step 2: Define the class

Create a class that will serve as the container for our dynamic data members. This class will act as a wrapper around the unordered map and provide the necessary functions to add, access, and modify the data members.


class DynamicClass {

  std::unordered_map<std::string, int> dataMembers;


  void addDataMember(const std::string& name, int value) {

    dataMembers[name] = value;


  int getDataMember(const std::string& name) {

    return dataMembers[name];


  void modifyDataMember(const std::string& name, int value) {

    dataMembers[name] = value;


Step 3: Adding data members dynamically

To add data members dynamically, we can utilize the addDataMember function within our DynamicClass class. This function takes a name and value as parameters and inserts them into the unordered map.


DynamicClass dynamicObj;

dynamicObj.addDataMember("age", 25);

dynamicObj.addDataMember("salary", 50000);
Step 4: Accessing and modifying dynamic data members

To access and modify dynamic data members, we can use the getDataMember and modifyDataMember functions, respectively. These functions retrieve and update the values associated with a given name.


int age = dynamicObj.getDataMember("age");

dynamicObj.modifyDataMember("salary", 60000);


Dynamically adding data members to C++ classes provides developers with a powerful tool for creating flexible and adaptable code. By utilizing the std::unordered_map container, we can extend the capabilities of our classes at runtime, responding to changing requirements with ease. The benefits of dynamic data members include increased flexibility, improved code organization, and the ability to leverage run-time polymorphism. By following the implementation steps outlined in this article, you can start harnessing the power of dynamic data members in your C++ projects. Embrace the flexibility, and let your code evolve alongside your needs.

Author: Amresh Mishra
Amresh Mishra is the author of, a go-to resource for technology enthusiasts. With an MBA and extensive tech knowledge, Amresh offers insightful content on the latest trends and innovations in the tech world. His goal is to make complex tech concepts accessible and understandable for everyone, educating and engaging readers through his expertise and passion for technology.

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